Ask a Feminist

When we first created WAVE we understood that the word feminist meant many things to many people. In fact, we have already received many disparaging comments from people who aren’t fully aware of our mission. In order to better communicate our intentions and give voice to your concerns, we decided to create a space for open and honest dialogue. If you have a question send an email to:

CAVEAT: Ask a Feminist is a question and answer feature that seeks to answer genuine questions from readers about LDS feminism and religious gender equality. We are real people with heartfelt desires to combine our desires for equality and our faith in the LDS religion. The answers to these questions are the thoughts and opinions of the Ask a Feminist director and do not represent the views of the entire WAVE board or the LDS church. Questions will be edited for content, length, and format. We do not accept vitriolic or Ad hominem remarks.

About your Feminist: She is a wife, a mother, a professional, a traveler, a gossip magazine reader, a foodie, a sister, a daughter, an aunt, a friend, a West coast child, an East coast adult, and an active LDS church member.

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