Archives for March 2012

Immediate Call to Action: Join USNC-UN Women 2nd Annual Call-in campaign

U.S. National Committee for UN Women

Speak Up for Women Worldwide – join USNC-UN Women today, in letting Congress know that more financial support is needed for UN Women!


Gender equality is not only a basic human right, but its achievement has enormous socio-economic ramifications. Empowering women fuels thriving economies, strengthens democracies, and increases the likelihood for sustainable peace.  As a symbol of the growing recognition of the role that women play in overall development, UN Women was created in 2010 to be the global champion for women and girls. Its innovative and groundbreaking programs work from the bottom up and from the top down to ensure that not only do legal and constitutional frameworks spell out women’s rights but that these rights are realized and enforced.


UN Women is making an incredible difference with limited resources but the US can give more.  President Obama requested $7.5 million dollars for UN Women in the budget. While we all understand the tremendous requests for funding, UN Women is asking for a modest increase to $10 million dollars for FY 2013.  Every dollar given to UN Women is maximized locally in developing countries through education and violence prevention projects and economic empowerment programs.  Click here for instructions and a script for making a call to your elected representative.  In doing so, you will be joining the growing chorus of Americans who support women’s rights.


Investing in women is not only the smart thing to do but the right thing to do.  Thank you very much for your support.