Call to Action: Celebrate the Diversity of Women

The purpose behind our next call to action is to send the message to Church leaders that we celebrate women, in all their diversity.

We need our leaders to know that we are inspired by messages of heterogenity, not homogenity; messages of diversity, not conformity. We want them to know that we embrace women, whatever their marital status, whatever their career path, whatever their ethnicity, politics or socio-economic status. The more types of Mormons the Church has, the healthier the body of Christ is.

Please email Scott Swofford at the Missionary Department at Church Headquarters to tell him why you appreciate the profiles of women on

Scott Swofford, Missionary Department

Church Office Building
50 E. North Temple
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150

Also, let’s show both the Mormon world and our non-LDS neighbors that Mormon women are not a monolithic entity. Create a profile at and identify yourself as a feminist, a progressive, a social activist, a libertarian, a birthing rights advocate, a survivor, a career woman, a visionary, etc. Whatever makes you the individual that you are.

Be open about the things that inspire you about Mormonism. Perhaps it’s Heavenly Mother, or the idea of the eternal progression of all humans, male and female. Perhaps it’s our feisty Mormon foremothers who fought for suffrage alongside Susan B. Anthony. Perhaps it’s the idealism behind the United Order, that there be no poor among us. Check out this great profile of WAVE’s own Chelsea as example of what is willing to put up.

Please fill out a profile at Go to (Note that you will need your membership number.)

Please leave a comment or email us once you have completed one or both parts of this Call to Action.


  1. Love this! I am heartened by the diversity of women who have chosen to create profiles . . . and whose profiles have been accepted!

  2. Debra Cooper-Stewart says:

    Done! I think this is an inspired way to show our church that we can advocate on behalf of our religious beliefs and be a diverse, strong population of women as well. They are not exclusive of one another!

  3. I typed “feminist” into the search box and found a handful of beautiful, oughtful profiles. This is a GREAT Call to Action…!

  4. nice article, keep the posts coming

  5. I just did this, after hearing this while going through the archives of Mormon Women’s forum, I did this, and I hope it get accepted. I don’t see why it wouldn’t though. This is a great call to action, one I never thought of before. I feel so blessed with finding out ways to help spread my feelings about Heavenly Mother and our female leaders in a positive way and right next to my overall positive feelings about our Heavenly Father (despite times when I get mad at him) and our Priesthood Leaders (despite times when I get mad at them). Thank you so much!!


  1. […] Guest Post by Jenne in response to the WAVE Call to Action to post a profile. […]

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