Ask a Feminist

Dear Ask a Feminist,

I just read the following on your website: “About your Feminist: She is a wife, a mother, a professional, and an active LDS church member.” Why did you include “a professional” in the definition?  Do you mean only “professionals” are “feminists?”  In using the term “a professional,” you come across as exclusionary. Perhaps you may want to reword “About your Feminist.” I look forward to your response. Thank you for your consideration.


Kalola in California

Dear Kalola in California,

Thank you for your interest in helping us understand how we come across to readers. I wrote that description based on all of the many roles I participate in and included “a professional” because that is one of the things I do. Also, I thought that a more thorough description might appeal to the widest audience of women and the diversity of our roles. There is no intended correlation between being a feminist and having a career. In fact, all of the executive board members at LDS WAVE are fiercely feminist and many other descriptions: stay-at-home moms, working, married, single, with or without children, make-up and bra wearers and despisers, academic feminists, pragmatic feminists, etc. We run the gamut. Being “a professional” is not intended to be exclusionary, just the same as “being a wife” or “being a mother.” These are just descriptions of me so as to situate my answers in a relatable context. I hope that helps!

Per your question, I have decided to “reword” my descriptions by adding a little bit more about myself. Thank you.


Ask a Feminist


  1. Jay Jarrard says:

    Dear ask a Feminist,

    I have always felt a bit embarassed for alot of men in the LDS church that take their “Role” as the priesthood holder of the family a bit to far! I have found that there are few men that really understand that putting your wife on a pedistal and treating her with love and kindness is truly what Christ would want, and its the true meaning of being a man, I wanted to know if this is why you have started groups such as this, have you felt like you take a back seat to men in this religion, and if so, why would you continue to participate? Do you feel that you CAN make a difference?



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